About Me

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Northeast, Ohio, United States
I'm a SAHM with 3 kids. I have 2 boys that are 9 1/2yrs. & 5 yrs. My daughter is 8. I've been married for 11 years. I enjoy scrapbooking, photography & gardening to name a few things.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ball Season!

The Plechaty house has been a little crazy for last couple of weeks. We currently have all three of our kids playing ball. Every night of the week we have a kid at a ball field for either practice or a game. It's crazy but fun. I love watching them play and have fun. Its hard for us to figure out the coverage as to who will be going where with who but we are dealing with it one day at a time.

Kayley is the softball girl. She is playing on a new team this year and is having a blast. She has made a few new older friends this year and is fitting in very well. She is playing with a team that has a big variety in skill levels. Her coaches are great and make it fun for her to go to practice. We are going to work with her on her catching. She tends to shy away from hard thrown balls. Her fielding is excellent. This year her throwing has gotten stronger and she is running much faster and effectively to the bases. We have only had 2 games up to date and she has been very consistent in her hitting. I look forward to seeing her continue to improve. I hope she keeps on track with softball and that she sees it as a place for her to make her mark.

Kyle is playing his first year of kid pitch. The team he plays for is called the "Lookouts". It literally is a whole new type of game for him and his teammates. They have had to learn new rules and have had to get used to not getting as many hits off a pitcher as they had last year. The group of kids he is playing with have been together since tee ball. They haven't started off the season strong, but hopefully, they will start hitting better and get their pitching going for them. They have also had to deal with two strong players getting injured and sidelined. Ken assits with the coaching and has been there since the team started. I hope as the summer progresses the team will continue to improve and get some team confidence. Kyle has had some issues in the confidence and morale department. We have tried to install in him that this is a team sport and that its important to encourage his teammates to do their best. I hope he takes our words to heart and steps up to be a leader on the team as well as a good sport.

Kaden is in his first year. His team name is the "Thunder". Ken is head coaching this bunch. Its his rookie year for head coaching . He has been able to "teach " the team the basics and keep it fun. They are really cute to watch. Everything is so simple at this level. They literally are being taught how to play the game at its simplest form. Kaden has done well. He hits strong and consistently. He pays attention and is getting better at his fielding skills. He can throw the ball well. He still needs to work on catching the ball with his mitt but that will come with time. The best thing is watching him hit the ball and come running down the first base line with the biggest smile on his face!! I am so glad he is having fun and that he finally gets a chance to shine at a sport!

I look forward to this summer. I love watching the kids and I am their biggest cheerleader. At times it gets hectic but if we didn't do this we would be quite bored. I like getting out on the ball field and talking with the parents. We have watched the older kids" grow up" on the field. I look forward to watching the younger ones grow too!!

There have been times so far that I have had to miss part of a game for someone and I don't like when that happens. However...I think they understand that mommy can't be at everything they do. We have made sure to have at least one parent or grandparent there at a each game so that the kids have a cheering section representing them!! The house is a mess and I am behind in tons of things but I wouldn't have it any other way. I can catch up later....the good thing about work is that its always there. The kids don't care about that. I hope they remember that mom and dad did their best to be there for them.

1 comment:

  1. Kim I love what you put in the very end - so VERY TRUE and something we all need to remember every day!
